Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Farmhouse Family Melody

I like to go and run in the pasture.
I like to play in the yard.
The bang! bang! bang! of my daddy's ax.
The ring! ring! ring! of the dinner bell.
It is all in a farm house melody!
Even the hens squak! squak! squak!
When I chase her in the pasture.
Even the bounce! bounce! bounce! of the ball I bounce in the yard .
It is all a farmhouse melody!

Farmgirl M, 2009


  1. Love your poem, sweetie! Great way to start out your blog!

  2. Farmgirl M, your poem is wonderful! I think you might have a future as a writer!

    Blessings from England

  3. Hey 'lil farmgirlie!!!

    How many animals live on your farm?

    What/who is you your favorite animal/pet?

    Tell mommy to please hurry-up with those pictures! :)

  4. You are a very talented poet, young lady! I look forward to reading about your farm adventures!

    Miss Lori Ann from China
    (Lily's mom)
